
Why every project needs a Lighting Designer

A lighting designer can help you make the most of the way your interior as well as exterior spaces appear and function. With LED technology rapidly evolving and the great impact of lighting on our everyday lives, it is most important to consider the lighting design very carefully.

Lighting Design has become an accepted profession and the lighting designer an integral part of the architectural project design team. Enlightened architects, builders and interior designers know the value of a lighting designer’s contribution to a project and depend on their expertise to achieve the best outcome possible for their clients. Lighting is truly the hero of any architectural project because it defines and enhances the structure and textures, and allows us to utilize the interior and exterior spaces to their maximum benefit.

For example, it is very common to have shiny marble and granite interior surfaces. Without thoughtful lighting design and product specifications, one could end up with unwanted glare or reflection on these surfaces. Glare is the enemy of good lighting and professional lighting designers dedicate their lives to making sure that clients’ homes and other architectural spaces are free of glare.

Another example is hardwood flooring. The color temperature and color rendering of white light is important to consider so as to enhance the tone of the wood material and not distort the actual color, with unfavorable results. Illuminating stone or brick also requires careful consideration. These surfaces require more dramatic lighting applications to bring out their special qualities and textures.

The goal is to benefit from the “lighting” and never see the light source. Carefully curated lighting design, which is the lighting designer’s unique craft, will provide your project with years of lighting performance and beauty.

In virtually every interior design application, carefully specified lighting will create a balance between the architectural and the decorative. The combination of these types of lighting will define the character of spaces, set a mood and “tell your story”.

Lighting should never be an afterthought. It needs to be carefully considered right from the start, ideally with plans completed before the project begins.

At Lightstyles Design we offer a personalized architectural lighting design service to ensure that you have the right lighting for the right task. We will help you design a plan that will bring out the key features of your home, restaurant or commercial project and make your space come to life.

“Good Lighting does not just happen, it has to be designed”