Exterior Lighting
Just as we need to consider the right lighting for inside spaces, exterior lighting plays a huge role, not just in beautifying the exterior of homes but in addition gives consideration for security lighting as well as accenting your softscape with meaningful landscape lighting.
1. Decorative wall lights
Decorative wall lights or lanterns as they are sometimes referred to as, provide a welcoming element often chosen to compliment the style and design of the home.
2. Outdoor Chandeliers
Today more than ever we tend to use outdoor spaces for casual dining and entertainment. There are so many fabulous fixtures for every design style.
3. Pathway lights
Define a path of lighting for walkways or simply accent your plant or flower bed.
4. Up-lighting
Up-lights are an excellent way to create visual drama. In this example they accentuate the palm tree trunk’s texture and contribute to the perception of height.